Pocong 2



Maya (Revalina S.Temat) is an orphan working as an assistant lecturer in her campus. She lives only with younger sister Andin (Risty Tagor), a senior high school student. In the near future Maya will marry fiance Adam (Ringgo Agus Rahman). Maya loves her sister dearly. Ever since their parents passed away, she tries all her best to make up for Andin's loss and does everything to make her happy. Maya then decides to find a new place to live, a better neighborhood in order to be able to move on. Accompanied by Adam, Maya is looking for a rented room that will suit Andin's need. After browsing the ad section in the newspaper and looking through the locations listed, she finally picks an apartment with cheap rental fee. Little does she know that their lives will extremely change afterward. After moving into the new apartment, Andin finds herself in frightening situations, as she often encounter Pocong (shrouded ghost). At first, of course nobody believes her, until Maya is deeply saddened to see Andin falls into deep traumatic depression. Maya then visits a psychic, who helps her see the creatures in the other dimension. It is not easy for Maya to adapt with the new situation. But she is desperate to find out why the creatures persistently bothers Andin. She has to fight extra hard though, because there seems to be a stronger force above Pocong that she needs to confront. Something which threatens her sister's life.

Cast n Crew


Revalina S. Temat

Ringgo Agus RahmaN

Risty Tagor

Dwi Sasono

Agung Basuki

Eddie Karsito

Ronald Kansil

Otig Pakis

Fadiptya Hadi

Vedie Bellamy


Special Appearance

Henidar Amroe



Director :  Rudi Soedjarwo

Producer Executive :  Leo Sutanto, Elly Yanti Noor

Producer :  Novi Christina, Mitzy Christina

Co. Producer :  Heru Hendriyarto, Cindy Christina

Line Producer :  Rudi Soedjarwo, Dani Sapawie

Story and Written by :  Monty Tiwa

Director of Photography :  Kiky Sewoyo, Indra Rachmadi, Ivan Nugroho

Edited by :  Monty Tiwa, Cindy RA Biere

Sound Engineer :  W Benyamin, Arman Ar Raniri, Indra N Zahri, Muhammad Adityo Nugroho

Music Illustrator :  Andi Rianto

Casting by :  Otoy Witoyo, Wiendy Widasari, Ronald,

Bimo Zulkarnain

Art Director : Gita Nasution, Adjeng MJ, Zeki Siregar

Costume Designer :  Tritya Krissanti

Make Up : Notje Tatipata

Production Stils


Release date : 28 Desember 2006

Genre : Thriller

Movie Duration : 90 Menit